Saturday, July 8, 2023

Shane Burley, Spencer Sunshine, and Alexander Reid Ross turn down debate with David Rovics

On Wednesday, July 12th, at 8 am, I'll be on Paul Roland's show on KBOO community radio here in Portland, Oregon. Paul wanted specifically to discuss the constantly regurgitated and patently ridiculous allegations made about me regularly on social media and elsewhere by "antifascists" Shane Burley, Alexander Reid Ross, and Spencer Sunshine, who are all apologists for apartheid Israel and stooges for US imperialism who have helped make the Portland left as completely dysfunctional as it has become.

Paul invited all three of them in friendly emails to debate me on Wednesday. Each of them declined the invitation very rudely. Do you know why? I do. They're all afraid of debating me. Because their lies only function in an anaerobic environment. Add some oxygen, and they fall apart. Because their propaganda is all standing on top of a structure of invented nonsense. Expose the structure of pseudo-intellectual babble and there's no scaffolding to stand on.
They're fraudulent intellectuals who have managed to recruit a few lost teenagers to their bizarre, pro-apartheid, pro-empire "antifascism." They've even managed to fool whoever signs authors these days at AK Press. But they don't fool me.
They don't fool Fifth Estate, who stopped publishing their drivel a long time ago, as the three all moved further into their pioneering new philosophy of what we might call anarcho-imperialism. And they won't debate me.
Why? Because their heads are empty of anything that might be useful in having a real conversation about the accusations they like to make, in a situation where they have to engage in actual dialog, rather than just lecturing on their YouTube channels about my supposed antisemitism and fascist collaborationism.

And also perhaps because they have much bigger platforms than me, and don't want to give me any free promo. What platforms, you may wonder? The mainstream Israeli press. You can't make this stuff up. Well, they make lots of stuff up. I don't. But you won't get to contrast our views in a debate, because they're all terrified of my superior intellect, superior understanding of world affairs, and superior grasp of world history.

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