Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Rebel Songs 2021 WORLD TOUR

I shall be visiting the northeastern US, Denmark, England, Ireland, and California, in the course of 2021.  Quite likely other places as well, depending on the collective You, as this is a crowdsourced endeavor.
Basic outline:

Northeastern US:  July 19-August 2
Denmark:  August 10-27
England and Ireland:  October 16-November 20

If you might be inclined to organize an event, I'd be thrilled to hear from you, and talk about logistics.*  Equally, if you keep in touch and make sure you know if I'm doing a gig near you, so you can help spread the word and generate an audience for the show, that's just as wonderful.

In terms of helping spread the word about gigs or the tour in general, some relevant bits of info:

  • list of upcoming gigs can always be found at davidrovics.com/tour
  • if people follow me on Songkick that can be a good way to hear about local gigs
  • you do not need to be the organizer of a gig to spread the word about a gig -- all hands on deck
  • sharing the tour graphic along with a message about why people should get involved is so helpful
I've never worked with any agencies or anything like that.  The tours and the individual gigs, just like the career generally, is entirely crowdsourced.  How many gigs I do, where they happen, how big the crowds are, etc., is basically up to the collective You.  I promise I'll do my part, to the best of my musical abilities, in any case!

*In a nutshell, for those interested in a very brief crash course, the process of organizing a gig can go something like this:
  1. You email me to see when/if I might be coming to your area, and we figure out a date or date range that could work.
  2. You find a venue we can use for free (or which is paid for by a supporter), where we can publicly spread the word about the gig there, and where we can charge at the door and keep the proceeds.
  3. You line up 20 people from your community who will buy tickets in advance, or you or your organization or affinity group makes a plan to pay for 20 tickets, in case more than 20 people don't show up.
  4. You and me and other people spread the word about the gig in whatever creative ways we can think of, to hopefully maybe get significantly more than 20 people to show up.
  5. We have a night of rebel songs and wake up ready to riot the next day!

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